Run Prix

Pricing EntryFAQsCourse

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Topics in Alphabetical Order,A-Z, under the event brief details here.
FAQs / Detailed Information / A-Z.

10k Prix Race. 7am Start.
Almost 2 laps of the 5.x km circuit.

Enter this race if you want a chance to win part of the $12,000- of prize money and can produce a qualifier of sub 45mins for women / sub 40 mins for men.

You'll need to be able to cut and paste a link to your qualifier into your entry in the reg facility.
Qualifying runs must be no older than 12 months before event day.

The advantage of entering the Prix Race is an absolutely clear course and a fast field to help inspire your best performance.

No, you don't have to enter the Prix Race even if you can run sub the qualification times. Feel free to enter the 10k main/open race if you want to run with a buddy, want to get up a little later, or like the slightly cheaper pricing of the main/open race.

Prix race entries that don't have qualifiers, or links to their qualifiers by September 10th, will be transferred to the 10k main / open race.

21.1k Half Marathon Main / Open Race. 7:40am Start.
Four laps of the circuit.

Starts on the course. Finishes in pit lane.

No qualifier needed, but bear in mind that the road closure / opening schedule is such that you'll need to be able to do 7:00 minutes per km pace or quicker in the half marathon. See S for Slow participants lower down.
Half Mara entrants also need to be able to count to four and come in to pit row at the end of their fourth lap.
Excellent opportunity for a personal best on the fastest, flattest, smoothest road run you'll find.

10k Main / Open Race. 7:55am Start.

No qualifier needed.
Yes, you can enter the main/open race, even if you could make the qualification standards for the Prix race.

Almost 2 laps of the 5.x km circuit.
Enjoy the fast, flat course of the Prix race, but a little later in the morning.

5k Main / Open Race. 8:30am Start.

Run a single loop.
Start in pit lane. Finish in pit lane.

Produce the fastest road 5km result you've done.
No qualifier needed.

FAQs / Info in Alphabetical Order

Age Limits

There are no age restriction on the events,  but remember that it's not a child-minding facility.  If your child needs supervision then please enter and supervise them.

Bag Minding

For bags you want to leave while you are running please pre-mark your items with your race-number and leave them in the bag minding area in Pit Row, near the finish line.

Car Parking (see also R for Road Closures)

Public transport is recommended and the nearest tram / light rail stations are on the number 96 route.

How close can you park?  Crystal ball says that the earlier you arrive, the closer you park.

Remember that the course is closed, so most car parking spaces within the Albert Park precinct are not usable on race day.
Albert Rd on the north end of the course does have a fair bit of parking that isn't closed down and is free on week ends.
Canterbury Rd to the west of the course provides a fair bit of free parking and you can access the course via the underpasses that go under the light rail on the western side of Albert Park lake. Access from the Langridge St and Armstrong St underpasses is most direct.

Saturday race number pickup parking:
You could take the above advice... or drive straight to 13 Aughtie Drive / Pit Straight and park there. ($5.80 per day on Sat, at time of writing.) Race number pickup is in the ground floor of Pit Building 2. Right near the finish line.

Changing between Event/Distances

See T for Transferring between distances / events.

Cut-Off Times

See S for Slower participants. (Most likely to affect slower Half Marathoners.)

Drink Stations.

Will have Water and 32Gi Sports Drink in cups. Also love and encouragement.

One on the northern edge of the course on Albert Rd Drive, near the Lakeside Drive corner.
The other near the finish line.

Runners can access both of these each lap, if they are in a multi-lap event.

Entrants List

Entrant list is here.

First Aid Providers

EMS, Endurance Medical Services First Aid service is being used.
Main base is at the finish line. Roving staff will also be out on course.

Free Entries for Influencers & Athletes. (Really anyone.)

No, but what we do have could actually be better.
We use the RaceRoster registration platform and have turned on the Promoter section with a 10% promoter payment.
If you have a Race Roster profile (you may already have one from entering Run Prix or other events) you could be turning a buck off this feature even prior to entering Run Prix.
Here’s an explainer link.

If you had 7 people enter the half mara it would have more than covered your entry to the Prix race.


Big Long Run is covered for Public Liability Insurance though Athletics Victoria and is affiliated with AthsVic.
What that means for runners with AthsVic memberships, or those in affiliated recreational running groups who've paid their dues, is that you have access to personal accident insurance. We strongly encourage runners to get AthsVic recreational runner memberships.
Otherwise you're just relying on Medicare, and/or your own health insurance which could leave you further out of pocket.


There is under 18 pricing for the 10k and 5k.
There are no age restriction on the events,  but remember that it's not a child-minding facility.  If your child needs supervision then please enter and supervise them.


Course is measured and certified to AIMS standards. Run a record on this course and it will count. Officially measured and certified courses are getting much, much rarer these days.



Yes, of course!
For all finishers.
In all races.
Here's the 2024 medal, which has a spinning winged shoe section.
Enter to secure yours.


Available through the registration facility.
Specifically here:  https://raceroster.com/store/87285/listing


Not in the 10k Prix Race.
Yes in the Main Races. Half Mara, 10k and 5k.
You must turn up to your start time 5 minutes early, and will be sent off ahead of the field along with any wheelchair participants. Please be aware that if we have top wheelchair athletes they will be faster than runners on this course.
You do not pay for any children you are pushing in the pram.

Prize Money / Prizes

Please Note: We used to run around trying to chase up all the podium people. It was kind of like herding cats. So now presentations are at fixed times.

The cunning plan...
If a place getter doesn't show up at presentations, another runner will be selected from the crowd to stand up on the dais and receive the missing runner's prizes. (Excluding the cheques available to the podium people.) Incentive to be there!

Cheques will be mailed the Wednesday after the race to those podium people who wrote a post (not just a comment) of 60 words min about their Run Prix race, in the facebook group (not to our organization page, or their personal page, or some other place) and posted it by midnight Tuesday after the race. It helps if you put a photo of you racing in it too.
The running public will love hearing from you under your own name. It helps the running public see this as a sport they can follow some identities in, not just participate in themselves. Posts made under spouses or others names / identities will not be eligible.

10km Prix Race
F1st - $3,000-
M1st - $3,000-
F2nd - $2,000-
M2nd - $2,000-
F3rd - $1,000-
M3rd - $1,000-
10km entrants racing for prize money must enter the Prix Race 10km, not the main / open 10km race.

21.1km Race
F1st - $300-
M1st - $300-
F2nd - $200- M2nd - $200-
F3rd - $100- M3rd - $100-

5km Prizes
F1st - $100- & $40- T8 voucher
M1st - $100- & $40- T8 voucher
F2nd - $40- T8 voucher M2nd - $40- T8 voucher
F3rd - $40- T8 voucher M3rd - $40- T8 voucher

Please see S for Schedule, lower down for presentation times.  Because the incentive to be at presentations on time is that your prizes will be reallocated to others if you aren't there.

Qualification Standards for 10k Prix Race

Sub 45 minutes for women. Sub 40 minutes for men.
Qualifying runs must be no older than 12 months before event day.

Can be done at a race, or as a training run.
Link to race result preferred.
Garmin / Strava links also accepted. But don't set it to "Private"!
You have until 8th September to edit your registration to include the qualifier and link.
Entries after 10th September must have a qualifier in their entry from the moment they enter.
After 8th Sept Prix race 10km entries without qualifiers / links will be transferred to the main / open 10km race. No refunds for the slight difference in entry fee.
There are no qualification standards for the main / open 21.1km, 10km and 5km races, only for the 10km Prix race.

Race Number Pickup Times

Race Numbers are picked up. Not Mailed.
(Mailing destroys a percentage of chips.)

Number Pickup times:

Saturday 21st Sept 2024
9am to 3pm. Pit Lane, Building 2, 13 Aughtie Drive.
Finish area.
Sunday 22nd Sept 2024
From 6am. Pit Lane, Building 2, 13 Aughtie Drive. Finish area.
Pickup your race number on Saturday and receive a free Run Prix sticker! (Only for those present, not for others you might be picking up for.)

Picking Up For a Friend?

Please fill in this form and bring it with you.

Lost Bibs/Chips
If you lose your bib/chip combo after picking it up, or forget to bring it on race morning. No big problem. We can issue another bib/chip combo, but the re-issue costs $11-.

Yellow - 10k Prix Race

Black - 21.1km Half Marathon main / open race.

White - 10k main / open race.

Grey - 5k main / open race.

Refund Policy

If you'd like to withdraw prior to the run please email   and request to be withdrawn. 

The refund policy below is what was in the 2024 waiver.


In the event of withdrawal by an entrant, entry fees will be refunded less an administrative fee of $12 if the withdrawal notification is received and acknowledged by the organisers by Aug 12th.  Less a 33% administrative fee if received by 19th August.  Less a 40% administrative fee if received by 26th August.  Less a 50% fee if received by 2nd Sept. Less a 60% fee if received by 9th Sept. Less a 66% fee if received by 16th Sept. No refund will be given after 16th Sept. If you think this is unreasonable, you should check out the IronMan refund policies...

Merchandise ordered in on your behalf, but not yet sent can be refunded minus 22% fee to cover credit card charges, handling etc. so long as the request is received by September 15th 2024.

I further acknowledge that if I don't meet the qualification standards listed for the 10k Prix Race, or supply the requested link, by 8th Sept 2024, my entry to the 10k Prix Race will transferred to the 10k Main / Open race with no refund for the slight difference in entry fee."

Road Closures Area.

Road Closures


  1. Obey all Parks Victoria rules when in the Park.
  2. If you're after records with various state, Australian or world athletics bodies then you'll have to abide by their rules as well while competing. Eg. rules relating to 'outside assistance', earphone rules, shoe rules and the like. It's up to you to research these.
  3. Using a bicycle to support runners risks them and other people. Don't even think about it.
  4. Entrants must not leave rubbish on the course. Carry it with you to the next aid station and deposit it there in the bins provided.
  5. No I-pods, MP3 players etc. to be used in the 10k Prix Race. 
  6. If you are even mildly asthmatic then a puffer is mandatory equipment.
  7. Abuse of officials and volunteers isn't tolerated and could result in disqualification.

Schedule for Run Prix

Saturday 21st Sept 2024
9am to 3pm. Race Number Pickup. Pit Lane, 13 Aughtie Drive.
Finish area.

Sunday 22nd Sept 2024
5:45am. Roads close.
From 6am. Race Number Pickup. Pit Lane, 13 Aughtie Drive.
Finish area.

7am Prix Race 10km starts.
7:40am Main / Open 21.1km Half Marathon race starts.
7:55am Main / Open 10km race starts
8:05am Presentations for 10k Prix Race
8:30am Main / Open 5km race starts
9am Presentations for 5km
9:10am Presentations for Half Marathon

9:32am all entrants remaining on course are diverted into Alternate Course as they approach it. (See below: S for Slower Participants.)

Slower Participants

The 10km and 5km races could be walked and the participants still complete in time.

Half Marathon entrants should be aware they need to be able to run/walk at 7:00 minutes per km or faster to avoid the 9:32am diversion from the F1 circuit. (After only 3 laps of the 4 lap race, and around 16km.)
Slower half marathoners can then finish the distance by completing 3.66 laps of this circuit shown in the map below.
If you need a higher res version, please email
We only have a limited road closure permit, hence this restriction.

Timing Chips

We use a disposable chip system that is stuck to the back of your race number.  The system is very reliable, but reliability is aided by wearing your race number lower rather than higher, and by not covering it with outer garments.

Transfers of Entries.

Transfers to Another Distance / Event. (Deadline: 3pm 21st Sept 2024)

You can edit your registration to change between distances / events.  It'll cost $5-, plus any price difference between the event you entered and the current price of the event you're changing to.

Use the entry facility to do this.

NOTE: Where the price of the event you're changing to is less it doesn't refund any difference in price. In some cases you may be financially better off to request a refund/withdrawal and then re-enter in the shorter/cheaper event.
Look at R for Refunds if you suspect you're in this category. eg. Wanting to change from Half Marathon to 5km.

Transfers to Another Entrant  (Deadline: 3pm 21st Sept 2024)
You can edit your registration to transfer it to someone else.
There's a $20- fee, plus any difference in price between the price at the time you entered and the current price. This is done through editing your registration.

Use the entry facility to do this.

Entries to the 10k Prix Race are the only entries that can't be transferred to another entrant due to the qualification requirements and needing to get data for all participants.

Transfers To The Next Year

You need to have requested a transfer, (and paid any accompanying fee), to 2025 by 15th September. That means asking for a transfer to 2025, not just inquiring about, or 'wondering' if it's possible.

If entered in the Prix Race 10km, you'll still need a fresh qualifier for the 2025 event. Transfers to next year are free before August. $15- during August. $25- during September, up to Sept 15th. No transfers after Sept 15th.

 Use the Store Facility to pay the Transfer-To-Next-Time fee and we'll sort the details in the back end of the system and send you a code to remove the entry fee for the 2025 event.


If you're available, we'd love to have you.  Volunteers receive a warm inner glow, a cap, or $25- off other merchandise, and can enter a subsequent Run Prix, or Two Bays Trail Run without paying entry fees. (Please ask for the super secret entry code prior to entering that subsequent event.)

Seriously it's volunteers who make running events possible, and most have an enjoyable day doing it. Please give it your consideration.

Please register via the event website so we nicely have all your details and preferences along with others. Volunteer here for the 2024 Run Prix.

All positions currently filled.

And join the Pit Crew Facebook Group here.

If you have questions, please email


Yes you can, but please remember it's a multi-loop course and faster participants will be coming through. Please be mindful of them.
See also S for Slower participants.

Weather - What will it be?

We have no more access to any weather forecasting data than the BOM.

Wheelchair Athletes

It's a fast, flat course without hairpin turns, so we'd be guessing it's a great course for wheelchair athletes.
Having come out of organising trail races we'll admit to having limited experience with how to work with wheelchair athletes, but we're willing to adapt.
If you'd like to race a wheelchair, let us know so that we can best work with you, whether that be a start just slightly in front of a field, or what method is most ideal.


For withdrawals prior to the run please email  and also refer to R for Refunds above.

It's a fast, flat course without hairpin turns, so we'd be guessing it's a great course for wheelchair athletes.
Having come out of organising trail races we'll admit to having limited experience with how to work with wheelchair athletes, but we're willing to adapt.
If you'd like to race a wheelchair, let us know so that we can best work with you, whether that be a start just slightly in front of a field, or what method is most ideal.

World Athletics Rankings

Yes we're on the World Athletics calendar this year, so if you're interested in Run Prix possibly contributing to your ranking, in 2024 it can.

Run Prix is organized by Big Long Run Pty Ltd.    Contact Us.